15 August 2011

Jungle Fever!

At the back of St Peter's car park is an unusual house. To me it looks like a modern twist on a safari lodge. I think the house/flats were quite expensive, and won possibly won an architectural award, but the view...I've seen better!


  1. I rather like it but, yes, it does look out of place overlooking a car park!


  2. I'm not sure I'm such a fan of this house. I like a mix of old and new, but this one just doesn't work for me. And you're right, they could definitely have a better view! :)

  3. I have seen this house and I think it is a blot on the landscape. Not the sort of house you would associate with Winchester, more like Milton Keynes!

  4. How long has it been there? I don't remember it - I'm sure I would have done if I had noticed it!

    I'm amazed it got past the planners. Also it's not as if the view past the car park is spectacular either - why would they want to build there at all? Perhaps they needed the parking space!

  5. The roof doesn't seem to match the the "jungle" look of the walls.

  6. Yes it does seem a bit 'random', just a bit odd really, it doesn't really blend in with anything in the area!
